이경순 사진
정보검색 / 정보마이닝
selfsolee (at) jbnu.ac.kr
정보마이닝 연구실 (공대 7호관 601호) / 교수연구실 (공대 7호관 616호)
063 - 270 - 4138


1997.3 - 2001.8: 한국과학기술원 전산학과 공학박사
1995.3 - 1997.2: 한국과학기술원 전산학과 공학석사


2004. 3 – 현재: 전북대학교 교수
2007. 1 – 2008. 1: 미국 매사추세츠 주립대학(University of Massachusetts Amherst) 방문연구원
2001.12 – 2003.11: 일본 국립정보학연구소( National Institute of Informatics) 연구원

주요 연구실적


Gi-taek An, Seong-Hyuk Yim, Jun-Yong Park, Woo-Seok Choi, Kyung-Soon Lee, 2024. JBNU at TREC 2024 Product Search Track, Proceeding of the 33th Text Retrieval Conference (TREC2024).

Gi-Taek An, Woo-Seok Choi, Jun-Yong Park, Jung-Min Park, Kyung-Soon Lee, 2024. Search Re-ranking Through Weighted Deep Learning Model, Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society(TKIPS), Vol.13, No.5, pp.221-226.

Gi-taek An, Jung-min Park, Kyung-soon Lee, 2023. Contrastive Learning-Based Anomaly Detection for Actual Corporate Environments, Sensors, 23(10): 4764

Chan Park, Kyung-Soon Lee, 2023. Deep-Learning-Based Price Prediction by Outlier Detection and Processing for Agricultural Commodity Prices, Journal of Digital Contents Society, Vol. 24, No. 8, pp. 1899-1906.

Seung-Hyeon Jo, Kyung-Soon Lee, 2022. Disease Prediction By Learning Clinical Concept Relation,
KIPS Trans. Softw. and Data Eng. Vol.11, No.1 pp.35-40.

Dalya Sin, Woo-Kyoung Lee, Seung-Hyeon Jo, Kyung-Soon Lee. 2022. JBNU at TREC 2022 Clinical Trials Track, Proceeding of the 31st Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2022)

Jin-Xia Huang, Kyung-Soon Lee, and Young-Kil Kim. 2020. Hybrid translation with classification: Revisiting rule-based and neural machine translation. Electronics, 9(2): 201.

Won-Gyu Choi and Kyung-Soon Lee, 2019. CBNU at TREC 2019 Incident Streams Track, Proceeding of the Twenty-Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2019)

Seung-Hyeon Jo and Kyung-Soon Lee, 2019. CBNU at TREC 2019 Precision Medicine Track, Proceeding of the Twenty-Eighth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC 2019)

Jae-Wook Seol, Wangjin Yi, Jinwook Choi, Kyung-Soon Lee. 2017. "Causality Patterns and Machine Learning for the Extraction of Problem-Action Relations in Discharge Summaries", International Journal of Medical Informatics (IJMI), vol. 98, pp.1-12.

Jae-Wook Seol, Seung-Hyeon Jo, Wangjin Yi, Jinwook Choi, Kyung-Soon Lee, 2014. A Problem-Action Relation Extraction Based on Causality Patterns of Clinical Events in Discharge Summaries, Proceeding of the 23th ACM conference on Information and Knowledge management(CIKM 2014).

Bayar Tsolmon and Kyung Soon Lee. 2014. Extracting Social Events based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Time and User Analysis, Proceeding of the 37th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference(SIGIR2014), pp. 1187-1190.

Souneil Park, Jungil Kim, Kyung Soon Lee, Junehwa Song. 2013. Disputant Relation-based Classification for Contrasting Opposing Views of Contentious News Issues. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), vol 25 number 12, pp.2740-2751.

이경순, 조승현. "의료용어 클러스터를 이용한 질병정보제공시스템" , 국내, 특허 등록, 제10-1875306호, 전북대학교산학협력단, 2018. 6.

이경순, 정광용, 조승현. "소셜 네트워크에 업로드 된 콘텐츠에 따른 구독자의 성향분석모듈", 국내, 특허 등록, 제10-1733911호, 전북대학교산학협력단, 2017.4. (기술이전 2018, 기술이전 2022.)

이경순, 설멍바야르, “소셜 네트워크 서비스의 메시지 분석을 이용한 핵심사건 추출 방법 및 시스템”, 국내 특허 등록, 제10-1429397호, 전북대학교산학협력단, 2014. 8.

박순일, 송준화, 이경순, “논쟁적인 이슈에 관한 상반된 관점들을 제시할 수 있는 기사 분류 방법 및 시스템”, 국내, 특허 등록, 제10-1355956호, 한국과학기술원, 2014. 1.
