일반대학원 전자.정보공학부(컴퓨터공학전공)
교과목 구분 | 교과목명(국문) | 교과목명(영문) | 학점 |
컴퓨터 시스템 (21) |
디지털시스템특론 | Advanced Digital Systems | 3 |
분산시스템 | Distributed Systems | 3 | |
운영체제특론 | Advanced Operating System | 3 | |
컴퓨터구조특론 | Advanced Computer Architecture | 3 | |
고성능컴퓨터세미나 | Seminar in High-Performance Computing | 3 | |
그리드컴퓨팅 | Grid Computing | 3 | |
병렬컴퓨터 | Parallel Computers | 3 | |
병렬프로그래밍특론 | Advanced Parallel Programming | 3 | |
시스템소프트웨어세미나 | Seminar in System Software | 3 | |
시스템프로그래밍특론 | Advanced System Programming | 3 | |
실시간시스템특론 | Advanced Realtime System | 3 | |
실시간시스템 | Realtime System | 3 | |
실시간시스템세미나 | Seminar in Realtime System | 3 | |
임베디드시스템특론 | Advanced Embeded System | 3 | |
클라우드컴퓨팅특론 | Cloud Computing | 3 | |
시스템소프트웨어특론 | Advanced System Software | 3 | |
인간컴퓨터상호작용특론 | Advanced Human Computer Interaction | 3 | |
결함허용시스템 | Fault Tolerant System | 3 | |
고급컴퓨터설계 | Advanced Computer Design | 3 | |
컴퓨터시스템보안 | Computer System Security | 3 | |
인공지능GPU컴퓨팅 | GPU Progamming | 3 | |
통신 및 네트워크 (21) |
고도지능망 | Advanced Intelligent Network | 3 |
광대역통신시스템 | Broadband Communication System | 3 | |
데이터통신특론 | Advanced Data Communication | 3 | |
멀티미디어통신특론 | Advanced Multimedia Communication | 3 | |
이동컴퓨팅 | Mobile Computing | 3 | |
컴퓨터네트워크세미나 | Seminar in Computer Network | 3 | |
컴퓨터네트워크특론 | Advanced Computer Network | 3 | |
컴퓨터통신특론 | Advanced Computer Communication | 3 | |
광통신망특론 | Advanced Optical Communication Network | 3 | |
네트워크모델링 | Network Modeling | 3 | |
네트워크보안특론 | Advanced Network Security | 3 | |
위성통신망 | Satellite Communication and Network | 3 | |
이동통신망특론 | Advanced Mobile Network | 3 | |
인터넷서비스아키텍쳐 | Internet Service Architecture | 3 | |
통신소프트웨어설계 | Communication Software Design | 3 | |
통신프로토콜공학 | Communication Protocol Engineering | 3 | |
통신망성능분석 | Network Performance Analysis | 3 | |
통신최적화이론 | Communication Optimization Theory | 3 | |
Ad-hoc네트워크시스템 | Ad-hoc Network System | 3 | |
무선인지공학 | Cognitive Radio Engineering | 3 | |
고급네트워크보안 | Network Security | 3 | |
영상 및 멀티미디어공학 (17) |
가상현실특론 | Advanced Virtual Reality | 3 |
가시화특론 | Advanced Visualization | 3 | |
게임공학특론 | Advanced Game Engineering | 3 | |
멀티미디어문서구조화특론 | Advanced Multimedia Document Structuring | 3 | |
멀티미디어콘텐츠특론 | Advanced Multimedia Contents | 3 | |
영상처리특론 | Advanced Image Processing | 3 | |
컴퓨터그래픽스특론 | Advanced Computer Graphics | 3 | |
컴퓨터비전특론 | Advanced Computer Vision | 3 | |
컴퓨터애니메이션특론 | Advanced Computer Animation | 3 | |
계산기하학 | Computational Geometry | 3 | |
기하솔리드모델링 | Geometrical Solid Modeling | 3 | |
멀티미디어공학세미나 | Seminar in Multimedia Engineering | 3 | |
멀티미디어문서분류 | Multimedia Document Classification | 3 | |
모바일그래픽스 | Mobile Graphics | 3 | |
컴퓨터영상응용세미나 | Seminar in Computer-Image Application | 3 | |
패턴인식특론 | Advanced Pattern Recognition | 3 | |
디지털방송특론 | Advanced Digital Broadcast | 3 | |
데이터베이스 및 정보검색 (20) |
객체지향데이터베이스 | Object-Oriented Database | 3 |
데이터베이스응용I | Database Applications 1 | 3 | |
데이터베이스응용II | Database Applications 2 | 3 | |
병렬및분산데이터베이스 | Parallel & Distributed Database | 3 | |
자연어처리특론 | Advanced Natural Language Processing | 3 | |
정보검색특론 | Advanced Information Retrieval | 3 | |
지리정보시스템 | Geographical Information System | 3 | |
지식공학 | Knowledge Engineering | 3 | |
한국어정보처리 | Korean Language Processing | 3 | |
데이터웨어하우징 | Data Warehousing | 3 | |
데이터베이스설계 | Database Design | 3 | |
데이터베이스세미나 | Seminar in Database | 3 | |
데이터베이스특론 | Advanced Database | 3 | |
정보검색세미나 | Seminar in Information Retrieval | 3 | |
정보이론특론 | Advanced Information Theory | 3 | |
텍스트데이터마이닝 | Text Data Mining | 3 | |
파일처리특론 | Advanced File Processing | 3 | |
데이터베이스시스템 | Database system | 3 | |
고급데이터베이스 | High Level Database | 3 | |
데이터과학특론 | Advanced Data Science | 3 | |
지능정보 (19) |
기계학습및응용 | Machine Learning and Applications | 3 |
기계학습특론 | Advanced Machine Learning | 3 | |
베이지안기계학습 | Probabilistic graphical models | 3 | |
딥러닝 | Deep learning | 3 | |
딥러닝특론 | Neural Networks Basic for Deep learning | 3 | |
오디오정보및인식 | Audio Information and Recognition | 3 | |
유전알고리즘이론과응용 | Genetic Algorithm Theory and Application | 3 | |
인공생명특론 | Advanced Artificial Life | 3 | |
인공지능특론 | Advanced Artificial Intelligence | 3 | |
인지컴퓨팅 | Cognitive Computing | 3 | |
지식표현시스템 | Knowledge Representation System | 3 | |
지능정보세미나 | Seminar in Intelligent Information | 3 | |
지능형로봇 | Intelligent Robot | 3 | |
지능형에이전트 | Intelligent Agent | 3 | |
러프집합이론및응용 | Rough Set Theory and Application | 3 | |
퍼지집합이론및응용 | Fuzzy Set Theory and Application | 3 | |
웹공학특론 | Advanced Web Engineering | 3 | |
바이오인포매틱스 | Bioinformatics | 3 | |
확률그래프모델 | Probabilistic graphical models | 3 | |
컴퓨터이론 (15) |
고급수치해석 | Advanced Numerical Analysis | 3 |
소프트웨어공학특론 | Advanced Software Engineering | 3 | |
컴퓨터과학특강 | Advanced Computer Science | 3 | |
소프트웨어공학세미나 | Seminar in Software Engineering | 3 | |
알고리즘특론 | Advanced Algorithm | 3 | |
전산수학특강 | Advanced Computational Mathematics | 3 | |
정형기법특론 | Advanced Formal Method | 3 | |
정형기법 | Formal Methods | 3 | |
정형기법세미나 | Seminar in Formal Methods | 3 | |
확률및통계특론 | Advanced Probability and Statistics | 3 | |
정보보호특론 | Advanced Information Security | 3 | |
SOA특론 | Advanced SOA | 3 | |
최적화이론특론 | Advanced Optimization Theory | 3 | |
계산이론특론 | Advanced ComputationTheory | 3 | |
현대암호론 | Modern Cryptography | 3 | |
BK21 (15) |
고급컴퓨터프로그래밍 | Advanced Computer Programming | 3 |
JIANT-IT 세미나 1 | JIANT-IT Seminar 1 | 2 | |
JIANT-IT 세미나 2 | JIANT-IT Seminar 2 | 2 | |
지능형고급프로그래밍 | Advanced Intelligent Programming | 3 | |
JIANT-IT 현장실습 1 | JIANT-IT Field Practice 1 | 3 | |
JIANT-IT 현장실습 2 | JIANT-IT Field Practice 2 | 3 | |
산학연계신기술사업화 | JIANT-IT Field Practice 3 | 3 | |
인공지능반도체센서 | AI Semiconductor Sensors | 3 | |
Glocal-IT 세미나1 | Glocal-IT Seminar 1 | 1 | |
Glocal-IT 세미나2 | Glocal-IT Seminar 2 | 1 | |
컴퓨터공학특론 1 | Advanced Computer Engineering 1 | 3 | |
컴퓨터공학특론 2 | Advanced Computer Engineering 2 | 3 | |
영어논문작성및발표 | Technical Writing for Thesis in English | 3 | |
지능형컴퓨터캠스톤디자인1 | Intelligent Computer Capstone Design 1 | 3 | |
지능형컴퓨터캡스톤디자인2 | Intelligent Computer Capstone Design 2 | 3 | |
ITRC (2) |
공공안전융합기술세미나 | Seminar On Public Safety Convergence Technologie | 3 |
사물인터넷서비스특론 | Advanced Internet of Things Service | 3 |